Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm BAAACKK. let's talk IRONY for a sec. When you have nothing going on in your life (and therefore lots of time to sit and type away at a computer) you have nothing to write about. Yet, when you have a lot of things going on in life, you can't find the time or energy to get it all written down.

That was my long winded way of saying, holy crap, I've been busy and BLOG has been low man on totem pole. I have, however, faithfully stalked my favorites.

Right now my life schedule consists of school, camp, gym, eat, sleep. Shower, rinse, repeat.

Except for when I am cooing over my new favorite person in the world.

I'm absolutely afraid to reproduce now because I'm 99% sure that no baby can be cuter than this one. I'm just sayin.

In other news, school rules my life when I'm tracked in. Four more weeks until I can be me again for a while. :)

Sometime, when it's not 1 AM, i'll tell you all about my amazingfabulousrocksmyface after school job. :)