Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blogging = low man on totem pole. oops.

This blog was supposed to be an a-mazing way for me to vent and write down all of the awesome things that I am doing in this, my first year as a grown-up.

I. reek. of. failure.

Let me begin by confessing that today is NOT a good day for me to write a blog. I have a bad case of the whiney-ass-sads. And no, there is nothing you can do to help me out. I am just in the dark and twisty place and this will work itself out. I am stressing over some things that I have no control over and some things that I DO have control over and just don't know how to actually CONTROL them.

You dig?

Perhaps not. Perhaps everything I am typing is appearing in strange-premenstrual girl language that is only decipherable by soulmates (hello Anna), because I feel like my mouth is moving but nothing is making sense.

Maybe this is the reason why my 21 (holy *&^% that is a lot of kids) first graders stared at me today as if they had never before heard this strange direction I was giving them like, "Put your name on your paper", or "go get your bookbag to pack up" and the ever important "Do NOT put that in the toilet, you will flood the bathroom."

No, you can't make this stuff up.

I have this not-so-unfounded fear that tomorrow my administrators will find me unconscious amid a ring of seven year olds clad in face paint belting an incantation and waving their safety scissors.

Tonight is a good night to watch Bridget Jones and laugh at a woman that has way more issues (albeit hilarious issues) than I do. Alas, tonight is Tuesday which means it's time for LOST.

But, maybe that's better. Let's face it. Those guys are way more screwed than any of us.