Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Playing Susie Homemaker

Track-Out has taught me one thing...

I have sick deluded fantasies of being a housewife. And I don't mean the ass-kicking, name-taking,  efficient, volunteering, van driving, powerwalking, dry-clean picking-uping kind of housewife. I mean the black and white kind that were frequently featured on nick at nite.

This week I've gotten a lot of grown up things accomplished you know things involving insurance, gas companies, mechanics, and payroll at HR. Like BORING grown up stuff. I did manage to make it to the gym at least. :)

But then, when that is finished, I start cleaning up around the house. Folding laundry, vacuuming the floor, loading/unloading the dishwasher, taking care of my furkid....etc. Then, about 30 minutes before Crystal gets off of work I put dinner in the oven and go get myself cleaned up.

So to sum it up, when she walks in the door dinner is ready, the house is clean, the (fur)kid is happy and quiet, and I am (mildly) presentable. Usually dinner is served on the couch in front of the current Netflix obsession.

Add some pearls and an up-do and it begins to more closely resemble Cleaver-ville. Albeit slightly non conventional Cleaver-ville....but you follow.

And you know, I think it's ok that I'm enjoying this little fantasy of mine. My mind  and body needed a break from the stresses of moving, starting a new job, and dealing with all the changes in my life.

But, who knew that under my liberal and feminist exterior lurked just a touch of a traditionalist? Certainly, not me.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday night in the big city...?

Ok. So for the entire 11 months I lived in New Bern I talked (nonstop) about all the things I missed about Raleigh. All the things to DO and places to GO. I couldn't WAIT to get back.

So it makes absolute sense that last Friday night I got together with some of my favorites and we decided to THROW DOWN. That's right folks. You heard it here first. SCRABBLE.



We started out with a nice dinner at Tripp's (yummmm) and took the required "This is us sitting in a booth about to eat food prepared by the hands of others" photos.

Once those photos were out of the way we commenced with our dinner. After things really got out of control. Yep, that's when the board games entered the scene.

And we had really awesome luck the WHOLE GAME. See. Proof. 

At one point, Kelly decided her time would be much better spent as an Eastern Princess. Fortunately she was wearing some bohemian jewelery that stood in nicely for a crown.

Once she was done playing princess she put down some words. Turns out we are not so dumb after all.
And, I won...therefore the evening ended happily.

And such is the life of a twenty something, on a Friday the big city.
And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today is a good day. Today I feel like I am adequate at my job and maybe I made a difference in the life of my students.

There are days where it is very easy to forget why I became a teacher. The days that paperwork outweighs the time I spent with my kids. The days the kids talked more than I taught. The days that Autism, ADHD, sensory disorders, and learning disabilities seem insurmountable rather than just a part of the package.

Today was not one of those days. Today I laughed with my students, played with my students, and learned with my students. I was a math expert, a reading consultant, a caterpillar wrangler, and a sidewalk chalk artist. I was a mediator, a therapist, a first aid aficionado, an organizational consultant, a hairdresser, a cheerleader, a peacekeeper, and a traffic director. Before and after school I also managed to be a professional, a collaborator, a data collector, and even a friend as I sat and laughed with my team.

Today I remembered why it is all worth it. I remembered why I love my job.

Today I realized how lucky I am to be where I want to be, with the friends I chose for myself, in a profession I was meant to be a part of.

If that wasn't enough- this is what I came home to yesterday...

And on top of all of that- my apartment is clean. Clearly the planets are aligned.
(The only thing missing is YOU, Anna Morgante)