Thursday, July 29, 2010

A (less than) triumphant return

Ok. So I had dreams of being this amazing blogger. I wanted to be (internet)famous which, seriously, is the only kind of famous that even matters anymore.

But alas. My real, 3-D, grown up life has taken over my dreams of digital stardom, which I suppose just means  I finally got that "life" i've been trying to acquire since graduating from college. In actuality I guess celebrations are in order.

So, updates.

New Job, 1.
Offers to return to old job part time (hello caffeine!), 1 
New apartments, 1
Number of storage bins still containing classroom stuff, one million
School nights spent going to bed at a reasonable hour rather than hanging out with fabulous Raleigh type 2.

Seriously though. Iamsobusy. It's ridiculous. School is and always will be a beast at the beginning of the year. This year has been even worse because, well, hello new school, new county, new grade level, new school calendar. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm gaining on some things rather than just treading water. And this is doubly a good thing. Not only is this good for my career but it makes me a muuuuuuch nicer person to be around. I am looking forward to the return of fun "I love to be a teacher but I have a life outside of school" Jen as opposed to "RAHH I am so stressed out I don't have time to talk to you about anything but how stressed out I am" Jen.

Plus plus plus...I track out in THREE WEEKS. Count 'em. My track out includes- nights with fabulous Raleigh type people, a trip to CALIFORNIA to visit a displaced awesome Raleigh type person, and a roadtrip to Edenton to watch a friend get hitched.  And even after all of that I will still have time to write lesson plans/stalk facebook/get back to the gym/ abuse netflix/ terrorize my favorite New Bernians for the start of their school year. Lovehappylovelove.

Some old guy once said "It's not where you are but who you're with." Weellllll...I do agree that who you are with has a lot to do with how you feel. But sometimes where you are makes a big difference too. I love my hometown and alllllll my friends and family there. But, for me, it was too hard to be a grown up in the place where I grew up. Here I feel like I can be just a little more "me"....whatever that means these days.

So anyhow, I'm semi-settled and realizing that after agonizing over every life choice I've made in the past month (which has been an unusually high number for such a short period of time) that I've made good ones. I still have a lot to figure out....but at least now I believe that I can do it.

So I'm not internet famous...but I'm happy. Beat that.  <3